Feeding the homeless at at Isaiah 61


The Mission team helps direct the congregation toward projects and/or financial support outside our church campus, whether that be local projects or support for global initiatives such as the United Methodist Committee on Relief  (UMCOR) global missions.  We aspire to help each person explore their spiritual gift of mission by being the hands and feet of  Christ and invite our entire congregation to touch the lives of others as we serve God.

Everyone has different interests so there are many ways you can serve that we are already doing.  Or if you find a ministry that you would like to serve we may be able to work with you in that ministry as well.

Jesus said to go out and make disciples, heal the sick, help the widow and the poor.  That is what we the Hope Ministries family is working towards.

Serving at Isaiah 61

Feeding the Hungry

Every second Tuesday of the month we prepare food and serve at Isaiah 61 on Water Street in Laconia.  Always looking for folks willing to serve with us.  Also, we collect for the homeless and bring items to the location for distribution of Winter Warmth items and backpacks with necessities for those without a home.

We also serve meals with Hands Across the Table and Salvation Army's Friendly Kitchen. 

Our Missions to the lakes Region and beyond

Our Community Missions

We Currently serve the following local missions.  To be a part of our mission team, email: office.nhhope@gmail.com.


Belknap House is a place for homeless families.

Isaiah 61 Cafe - provides food, showers, laundry for the homeless

Friendly Kitchen - serves food at the local Salvation Army kitchen for anyone in need of a meal.

Hands Across the Table - HATT is served every Wednesday for anyone needing a meal or wanting to have a meal with others.

During Advent:  The Christmas Giving Tree provides gift certificates for food and other needs to schools.

In October and November we collect Winter Warmth donations.

During Lent we collect for 40 Days of Giving.

Our World & UMC Missions

The United Methodist church has mission set up in the US and across the globe. 

UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)

As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need. UMCOR works with vulnerable communities to strengthen self-sufficiency and encourage partnerships. UMCOR responds to U.S. and international disasters, addresses diseases of poverty, ministers to refugees and immigrants, provides clean water and actively works to reduce hunger.

Hope community service

Every organization needs people to help keep it going.  If you are interested in serving within this church community please call the church office @ 603-524-3289 or email office.nhhope@gmail.com.  Your email will be forwarded to the contact person for each type of service.

Worship (design, decor)

Welcome & Caring (ministry to visitors, shut-ins and church family)

Cafe (provide refreshments after church)

Nursery There will always be 2 adults in the nursery

Sunday School - (Teacher or Helper)

Audio Video - (Camera, audio, PowerPoint, editing)

Music (Choir, bells, Strings, Horns, and to provide special music)

Building Maintenance (mowing, snow shoveling walkways, other maintenance needs)

Fundraising (Rummage Sale, Yard Sale, Harvest Supper, Christmas Fair)

Receptions (Funeral, & Special Occasions)